About time some people died.
Okay, since last time I typed this thing, Hamlet Jr has come running back from wherever he was (he never got as far as England, where he was sent by Claudius to get killed off because he'd gone batty.) and found Ophelia's funeral.
He didn't even realise she was dead.
So NOW he declares massive great love for the woman who made flower garlands to wear whilst she drowned herself, which has made room for a LOVELY picture by Millais, here featured:
This painting is the ONE reason I am glad Ophelia died in Hamlet.
But I digress.
When Hamlet finds Ophelia's funeral, possibly the one bit of true madness happens, (as far as Hamlet is concerned) and he throws himself into her grave, swiftly followed by her brother, who is understandably angered.
They have a bit of a tiff.
Hamlet is dragged out of the grave by Horatio, and Hamlet has a bit of a grieve.
The inherent and unending issue I still have with this is that NONE of the bad guys are dead.
Or are they?
Previous to this, Hamlet sent a letter to the King saying that he was on his way back, having been attacked by pirates, and brought back to Denmark by them.
Personally, this seems more than unlikely.
My experience of pirates, though limited, suggests that they are a wee bit bloodthirsty, and, even if they were not to kill him, surely they would get a ransom for him.
So here's my theory.
He killed off Rosencrantz and Gildernstern sharpish, then legged it back on a rowing boat or something.
Although, personally, I'm not even sure they got as far as the ship. Possibly, Hamlet got his big sword out and knocked em off before they even got as far as the sea.
So anyway.
Hamlet is BACK.
And Hamlet is MAD.
Not mad mad. Angry mad. You get it.
Hamlet is angry, because Ophelia is dead and he STILL hasn't avenged his father's death.
He REALLY wants Claudius dead.
This is NOT however what he immeadiatly goes off to do, like a normal, vengeful person would.
OH no.
He waits a bit, then gets challenged to a duel by Ophelia's brother.
So yeah, that seems like the honorable thing to do.
Now, if only that was what Ophelia's brother was thinking.
He's poisoned his sword so that one single little scratch will kill Hamlet.
Niiiice. Very much a decent thing to do. Uh, not.
Now, you'd think that'd be enough for brother dearest.
He's scheming with the King to get rid of Hamlet, so the King also poisons the drink that Hamlet will have so that he is DEFINATELY dead.
Oh dear.
This is not looking good for Hamlet.
So, Hamlet and the brother guy start their duel, and it begins pretty well, with fairness and all.
THEN it gets bad.
They take a quick break to refresh themselves, and Hamlet's mum has a drink to toast to Hamlet's health and success. The drink the King poisoned.
So she's going to die.
She doesn't die instantly, however.
First off, Hamlet and the brother start fighting again.
Brother scratches Hamlet.
Somehow the swords swap, and Hamlet scratches brother.
NOW the queen collapses.
The king claims it's because she doesn't like seeing blood.
She goes, no, the drink was poisoned, and promptly dies.
Brother has also collapsed onto the floor, and goes, yeah Hamlet, sorry about that, but the sword is poisoned too. You're gonna die, I'ma die, and the king was the one that poisoned your ma.
Hamlet gets very angry, even more than usual, and FINALLY kills the king by forcing him to drink the poison that killed his ma.
Then the brother dies.
Right now, Hamlet, Horatio, and the one that's a bit of a fop are the only ones left alive.
At which point, having heard the prince of Norway heading in his direction, he leaves the country of Denmark in the capable hands of the man who's invading them, and dies.
So let's summarise the whole of Hamlet.
King Hamlet dies.
Claudius becomes King.
Hamlet sees a ghost of his dad.
Hamlet wants to kill Claudius.
Hamlet goes mad, getting his bojangles out.
Hamlet kills Ophelia's dad.
Ophelia kills herself.
Everyone else dies.
Elements of tragedy?
I think the fact that everyone dies is fairly tragic, especially the hero, who in my opinion was NOT all that heroic and instead a wuss.
Didn't really like Hamlet, honestly.
THIS is a good tragedy.
This is the Lady Of Shallot.
All King Arthur and the like.
Rather amazing.
Here's a painting :
Have a good read.
Yes, the Lady of Shallot is a fine painting. In your quirky style you capture the essence of Hamlet's targedy i.e. his constant delaying. Is there anything else that makes this complex character a tragic hero?